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Treating drug addiction requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of the addiction

Our programs include detoxification, behavioral therapy, group support, and prevention plans aimed at preventing relapse.

Drug addiction can result from a variety of factors, such as genetic predispositions, environmental influences, life experiences, and mental health issues. It is a chronic disease that requires comprehensive treatment and a long-term commitment from both the patient and the therapeutic team. Every treatment process in our clinic begins with a detailed medical and psychological evaluation. This allows us to identify not only the type and degree of addiction but also any accompanying health and psychological issues, which is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

In our clinic, we understand that each case of addiction is unique

so we offer individually tailored treatment programs. Our therapeutic methods are based on the latest research and clinical practices, ensuring effective help in overcoming drug addiction.

Drug Addiction Treatment at "Reversed"

The “Reversed” Addiction Treatment Clinic offers an innovative and comprehensive approach to drug addiction, directed at those seeking an effective way out of the shadow of this destructive disease. Our mission is based on the belief that everyone deserves a second chance and the opportunity to live a life free from addiction. Our treatment method consists of three main stages, designed to provide comprehensive help and support at every step on the path to sobriety.

What are the signs of drug addiction?

At "Reversed," the treatment of drug addiction is divided into several stages:

Stage 1: Assessment and Diagnosis

The beginning of treatment at “Reversed” involves a thorough assessment of the patient’s health, both physical and psychological. Understanding that addiction affects many aspects of a person’s life, our approach is holistic. At this stage, our specialists use interviews, psychological tests, and medical examinations to understand the unique needs and challenges of each patient. Based on this preliminary assessment, we create an individualized treatment plan that is tailored to the specifics of the problem, the patient’s preferences, and possibilities.

Stage 2: Therapy and Rehabilitation

The core of our treatment program consists of intensive therapeutic sessions, which can take the form of individual or group therapy. Believing in the power of community and sharing experiences, group therapy plays a key role in the treatment process. At the same time, individual sessions allow for deeper work on personal issues and goals. All this takes place in a safe and supportive environment, where everyone can feel heard and understood. Our therapists use proven methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which help patients develop coping skills for difficult situations, as well as build healthy habits and

Stage 3: Post-treatment Support

Treating drug addiction is a process that doesn’t end with the conclusion of therapy. Therefore, the “Reversed” Clinic offers support even after the intensive phase of treatment has ended. Sobriety maintenance programs, group support, and the possibility of consultations with therapists provide our patients with the necessary resources to maintain sobriety in the long term. We also assist in vocational and social reintegration, which is immensely important for full recovery and return to health. At the “Reversed” Clinic, we understand that the road to recovery is individual and different for everyone. That’s why our approach is flexible, and the treatment program is continuously adjusted to the progress and needs of our patients. Our goal is not only to help overcome addiction but also to support building a lasting, satisfying, and drug-free future.