The next session starts on September 1st. There are still 45% of the places available.

Sign up by calling: +48 87 888 71 71

We will tell him: we know you're suffering, and we know we can ease your pain. We don't yet know you, we don't know where you come from, but we know that you are lost. Your life has become entangled and it tightens around you more and more

We will teach you how to breathe."


Check how we can help you

Co-founder of the Addiction Treatment Clinic "Odwróceni"

My father, an aspiring director, started with documentary films. One of them was about the first center for addicts, founded by the wonderful man, Marek Kotański.

Those were times when female addicts could receive treatment together with their newborn children. My father came up with the idea to donate my outgrown clothes to those children, which my mother opposed, believing it might bring bad luck. Unfortunately, in a way, it did.

From the age of 14, I was deeply addicted to all consciousness-altering substances for 21 years. During that time, I underwent a one-year therapy at a center run by “former addicts” Krzysztof and George, who had treated themselves years ago in Głosków when my father made a documentary about it.

Today, I have been sober for 10 years, and I know that all these experiences, the highs and lows, many years of treatment in various centers and therapies, were for a reason. I published a book where I tell my entire story from darkness to light. I travel all over Poland, meeting people of all ages and sharing this testimony, which changes their lives and motivates them to seek therapy and fight for themselves. Eventually, I met my partner Dominika, and together we opened an addiction treatment center.

Today, I know that everything happens for a reason, and the greatest evil can be turned into great good.

 We want to create a place where we will take care of your traumas and emotions, where you will find a sense of security. Where you can meet yourself and build a solid foundation that will allow you to begin the path to sobriety. This is a fatal disease, from which, according to the most optimistic statistics, 10 percent of people recover. No therapy guarantees success, but if you truly desire it, anything is possible. I know because I have experienced it myself, and everything best in my life happened while sober.

Michał Koterski

Polish actor

Seize the Opportunity

We offer a revolutionary therapeutic program under the patronage of Prof. Lisa M. Najavits, an adjunct professor of psychology at the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. 

This American program focuses on identifying the causes rather than the effects of addictions. 

Numerous studies have been conducted that show the therapy’s immense effectiveness. 

We are the only place in Poland supervised by such esteemed addiction therapy specialists from the USA. 

Moreover, we remain under their control and supervision, with Prof. Lisa M. Najavits also serving as the clinic’s supervisor. 

Our qualified staff, trained by Prof. Najavits herself, will take care of you throughout your stay. 

Seize this chance, and if you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones – believe us, they are suffering terribly. A time will come when you’ll understand the importance of taking care of yourself.

“Reversed” is a community supporting each other

Our clinic is located in a picturesque location right by the shoreline, ensuring the peace and privacy necessary to focus on one’s recovery. 

We offer accommodation of the highest standard, including single, double, and triple rooms designed with the comfort and tranquility of our patients in mind.

“Reversed” with the patronage of the world's leading addiction specialists

“As a therapist at 'Reversed,' I've experienced the professionalism and warmth that are essential on the difficult path to recovery. Thanks to a qualified team and effective therapeutic programs, Reversed is a place where addiction meets hope for a better tomorrow." - Lisa M. Najavits

prof. nadzw. Lisa M. Najavits, Harvard Medical School

Lisa M. Najavits is a globally recognized expert in trauma and addiction treatment and a mentor who has taken our team at “Reversed” under her care. 

Her work, especially the “Seeking Safety” therapy model, has gained international recognition for its effectiveness in helping individuals struggling with trauma and addiction. 

The “Seeking Safety” model is evidence-based and has been translated into multiple languages. 

She has received numerous awards and honors for her work, including from the American Psychological Association and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. 

Her research is widely published in prestigious scientific journals, and she is often invited as a speaker at international conferences and symposiums dedicated to addiction and trauma. Her contributions to the development of trauma and addiction treatment methods, as well as her commitment to educating and training professionals in these fields, have a significant impact on clinical practice and scientific research worldwide.

„As part of the 'Reversed' team, I can confidently say that this is a place full of hope and possibilities. The individualized approach and modern therapeutic methods ensure that patients here have not only the chance to heal but also to regain the fullness of life. It is a true sanctuary for those in need." - Bruce Liese

Bruce S. Liese, PhD, ABPP
Bruce S. Liese, PhD, ABPP is a Professor of Family Medicine, Community Health, and Psychiatry at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) and Clinical Director at the Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment at the University of Kansas in the United States. He is a Fellow in three American Psychological Association (APA) Divisions, past president of the APA Division on Addictions, and an APA Council Representative. He is also board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychologists (ABPP) and the American Board of Addiction Psychologists (ABAP). Dr. Liese has taught more than 100 courses and workshops on addictions, psychotherapy, and evidence-based practice, and supervised hundreds of psychotherapy trainees. He has cared for thousands of patients over his 40+ year career. Dr. Liese has more than 75 publications, he is on the editorial boards of three APA journals, and he has co-authored three texts on addictions. His most recent text, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Addictive Disorders, was recently published in 2022 with co-author Dr. Aaron T. Beck. For his service to the APA Division on Addiction Psychology, Dr. Liese has received a President’s Citation from that Division. In 2015, Dr. Liese received the DistinguishedCareer Contributions to Education and Training award from the APA Division on Addiction Psychology, and he received a Presidential Citation from the American Psychological Association in 2018 for volunteer leadership in his community. In addition to these ongoing activities, Dr. Liese continues to see at least 25 patients per week as a licensed psychologist.

"The 'Reversed' clinic deserves recognition for its commitment to helping individuals struggling with trauma and addictions by offering them a safe space for healing. I recommend it." - Dr. hab. Jarosław Ryszard Romaniuk.

Dr hab. Jarosław Ryszard Romaniuk

Habilitated doctor Jarosław Ryszard Romaniuk is a lecturer in social work at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 

From 1973-1988, he worked at the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of neurophysiology. 

He currently focuses on the biological determinants of addictions and mental disorders, as well as trauma-oriented therapeutic practice. He has worked at the Free Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and the Veterans’ Hospital (VA).


In the process of overcoming addictions, detoxification is often the first step – a safe and controlled cleansing of substances from the body. Our clinic offers professionally supervised detoxification from alcohol, drugs, and medications, laying the groundwork for further treatment and rehabilitation. Understanding and support in this challenging moment are our priorities. Our team of specialists provides an individually tailored approach to reducing physical and emotional discomfort, laying the foundation for long-term sobriety and health.


In addiction therapy, an individual approach that understands each person’s unique challenges is key. Our clinic specializes in Prof. Lisa M. Najavits “Seeking Safety” method, which is designed to support individuals struggling with addictions and trauma. This holistic therapy focuses on building safety, managing emotions, and rebuilding trust. Through a combination of individual and group therapy, we offer a space for a complete return to a life free from addiction. Discover how our commitment to evidence-based methods can help you find your path to health.


Recovery is not just about therapy, but also about finding joy in a life without substances. That’s why we offer a wide range of attractions that support the healing process, offering patients activities full of excitement and relaxation. From tennis, exciting wakeboarding, and peaceful moments spent fishing, to the thrill of riding a jet ski, and serene sailing among the waves – everyone will find something for themselves. These activities not only diversify everyday life but also show new ways of spending free time, helping patients build healthy habits and strengthening self-discipline. Discover how spending time actively can be part of your path to health.

Path to Health – From Detox to the Joy of Living!​

In addiction therapy, an individual approach that understands each person’s unique challenges is key. We specialize in Lisa M. Najavits’s “Seeking Safety” method, designed to support individuals struggling with addictions and trauma. This holistic therapy focuses on building safety, managing emotions, and rebuilding trust. Discover how our commitment to evidence-based methods can help you find your path to health.

This is the perfect place to start seeing that a different, better life, without substances, is possible.

In the process of overcoming addictions, detoxification is often the first step – a safe and controlled cleansing of substances from the body. Our clinic offers professionally supervised detoxification from alcohol, drugs, and medications, laying the groundwork for further treatment and rehabilitation. Understanding and support in this challenging moment are our priorities. Our team of specialists provides an individually tailored approach to reducing physical and emotional discomfort, laying the foundation for long-term sobriety and health.

In addiction therapy, an individual approach that understands each person's unique challenges is key. Our Clinic specializes in Prof. Lisa M. Najavits "Seeking Safety" method, which is designed to support individuals struggling with addictions and trauma. This holistic therapy focuses on building safety, managing emotions, and rebuilding trust. Through a combination of individual and group therapy, we offer a space for a complete return to a life free from addiction. Discover how our commitment to evidence-based methods can help you find your path to health.

Recovery is not just about therapy, but also about finding joy in a life without substances. That's why we offer a wide range of attractions that support the healing process, offering patients activities full of excitement and relaxation. From tennis, exciting wakeboarding, and peaceful moments spent fishing, to the thrill of riding a jet ski, and serene sailing among the waves – everyone will find something for themselves. These activities not only diversify everyday life but also show new ways of spending free time, helping patients build healthy habits and strengthening self-discipline. Discover how spending time actively can be part of your path to health.

Path to Health – From Detox to the Joy of Living!

In addiction therapy, an individual approach that understands each person’s unique challenges is key. We specialize in Lisa M. Najavits’s “Seeking Safety” method, designed to support individuals struggling with addictions and trauma. This holistic therapy focuses on building safety, managing emotions, and rebuilding trust. Discover how our commitment to evidence-based methods can help you find your path to health.

This is the perfect place to start seeing that a different, better life, without substances, is possible.

Treatment Process

Assessment and Diagnosis

Individual assessment of mental and physical health, setting a treatment plan.

Therapy and Rehabilitation

Intensive therapeutic sessions, both group and individual, developing coping skills.

Post-treatment Support

Sobriety maintenance and social support programs, relapse prevention.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Individual assessment of mental and physical health, setting a treatment plan.

Therapy and Rehabilitation

Intensive therapeutic sessions, both group and individual, developing coping skills.

Post-treatment Support

Sobriety maintenance and social support programs, relapse prevention.

The Ideal Space to Rediscover Yourself

Recovery is not just about therapy, but also about finding joy in a life without psychoactive substances. That’s why we offer a wide range of attractions that support the healing process, offering patients activities full of excitement and relaxation.

From tennis to horseback riding, exciting wakeboarding, and peaceful moments spent fishing, to the thrill of riding a water or snow scooter, and serene sailing among the waves – everyone will find something for themselves. These activities not only diversify everyday life, but also show new ways of spending free time, helping patients build healthy habits and strengthening self-discipline. Discover how actively spending time can be part of your path to health.

This is the perfect place to start seeing that a different, better life without substances is possible.

Marcin Kwaśny

A respected Polish theater and film actor, known for his depth of emotion and memorable roles. Passion and talent drive her acclaimed career.

Robert Gonera

Polish film, theater and television actor, known for his leading roles in Krzysztof Krauze’s films: the political drama “Gry Uliczne” and the thriller “Dlug”, for which he received the award for best actor at the Polish Film Awards: Eagles. He gained wide recognition for his role in the record-breaking popular TV series “M jak miłość” aired on TVP2.

Ewa Skibińska

A film, theater, and television actress who gained popularity for her role as Elżbieta Walicka, the wife of Bruno in the TVP2 series “Na dobre i na złe”. Since 2013, she has been sober.

Read the personal and inspiring stories of well-known individuals who faced addiction head-on and found their way to triumph. Their courage and determination prove that anyone can emerge from the shadows of addiction and enjoy life to the fullest.

Famous Faces and True Stories of Hope

Which addiction can we help with?

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, you are not alone.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about our clinic and the treatment methods available. Our team is ready to answer any questions and help begin the journey to lasting sobriety.